Top 30 sightseeing spots in Sado according to TripAdvisor

Have you ever been to Sado Island in Niigata prefecture? If you haven’t yet, here’s a list of the 30 top sightseeing spots according to TripAdvisor.

It’s a beautiful island to visit with it’s temples, mines, and nature experiences. You can try riding a traditional tub boat called a “Taraibune”, try scuba diving in the deep blue waters, or try your hand at the traditional Sado drums.

Kitazawa Flotation Plant
Kitazawa Flotation Plant
An ore beneficiation plant facility for the Sado mines. It boasted the greatest manufacturing capacity in East Asia as it quickly incorporated Western technology. It was covered in weeds after it’s closure but due to its resurrection as an industrial heritage site, it has returned to the spotlight.
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Shukunegi is a historically preserved ward which has existed since the Edo Era as a port town on the island of Sado. The streets filled with a historic atmosphere and the old houses built around the island’s bay by the shipwrights are splendid.
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Yajima Taiken Koryukan
Yajima Taiken Koryukan
Go out on the waters of the inlet by tarai bune (tub boat) originating in Sado. There is an enchanting view of two small islands joined by a red arched bridge, and on good days, you can enjoy the crystal blue sea.
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Onogame is a giant peak that thrusts into the air like a mountain from the shoreline. It is a superb sight that has earned 2 stars in the Michelin Green Guide. Walking in the nature trail is a very enjoyable experience.
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Myosen-ji Temple
Myosen-ji Temple
Its beauty is not just due to the dignified thatch roofed Niomon Gate, the five story pagoda, or the garden but is also includes the tranquil woodland scenery that can be seen from the old graveyard behind the Hozo treasure repository. It is a famous temple where you can relax amid the serene environment.
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Sado Mine
Sado Mine
With Shogun (General) Ieyasu Tokugawa pushing forward the development of the mine during the Edo Era, it was said that Sado Mine financed the Edo government for 300 years due to the bountiful gold mined there. Currently, it is preserved as an industrial heritage.
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Sado Nishimikawa Gold Park
Sado Nishimikawa Gold Park
Nishimikawa Gold Mine on Sado Island with a long history in gold mining, has been known since the year 1100. Try panning for gold, a substance that has enticed people over generations.
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Sekisui Ito Pottery Museum
Sekisui Ito Pottery Museum
At the Sekisui Ito Pottery Museum which stands on a plateau overlooking the sea, you can view the works of successive generations of Sekisui Ito including those of Sekisui Ito V who has been recognized as a Living National Treasure for Mumyoi-yaki, a form of pottery native to Sado Island.
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Senkaku Bay Ageshima Park
Senkaku Bay Ageshima Park
The scenic beauty of a bay and tall cliffs created from ancient volcanic eruptions and ocean floor upheavals. From the observation point, you can enjoy a grand panorama and on the sea, you can enjoy a cruise on a glass-bottomed boat.
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Ogi Diving Center
Ogi Diving Center
A facility where you can thoroughly enjoy sea kayaking, diving and other popular marine activities together with staff knowledgeable about the waters around Sado in safety.
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Toki Forest Park
Toki Forest Park
A facility pouring its efforts into the breeding of toki whose global numbers had been greatly reduced between the 19th and 20th centuries and had disappeared in Japan. You can observe valuable artificially-bred toki close up here.
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Sado Gold Mine: Edo Gold Mine Picture Scroll (Sodayu) Course
Sado Gold Mine: Edo Gold Mine Picture Scroll (Sodayu) Course
Life-sized dolls representing mine laborers from the Edo Era are recreated with a sense of realism. The harsh labor and lifestyle in the tunnels dug out like an ant’s nest are depicted. Also, you can see the high technology of those times from their performance.
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Sado Historical Legend Museum
Sado Historical Legend Museum
A museum where robots relate the history and legends of Sado Island from 800 years ago. Robots made to exactly resemble the historical figures on Sado talk and dance. The attractive performances pop with elegance and Japanese mood.
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Ogura Senmaida (Terraced Rice Fields)
Ogura Senmaida (Terraced Rice Fields)
The scenery of terraced rice fields which had been lost due to the passage of time has returned. These long and narrow paddies which extend far across a steep slope are the fruits of the knowledge of people from the past. They create a scene which represents the past of Sado.
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Okinawa World/Gyokusen-do Cave
Okinawa World/Gyokusen-do Cave
Beginning with the country’s largest limestone cave, “Gyokusen-do”, there are plenty of spots to see. For example, the world’s one and only Habu Park where you encounter the poisonous “habu” snake, and Ryukyu Kingdom Village where you can experience the culture of Okinawa. It is one of the main tourist spots of southern Okinawa.
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Sado Island Taiko Center
Sado Island Taiko Center
The taiko drum center operated by the world-famous taiko performing arts ensemble Kodo. Beating taiko of all sizes, sharing in the sound will bring a smile to your face before you know it. Feel the charm of this enjoyably heartwarming experience!
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Obata Sake Brewery
Obata Sake Brewery
Winning consecutive Gold Prizes domestically and overseas, the venerable Obata Sake Brewery has continued to represent Sado on the world stage. The finest sake is made from the famous water of Sado and delicious rice
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The extremely clear ocean that has been selected as one of the top 100 swimming areas in Japan and the sight of the path sinking into the sea due to the rise and fall of the tides provide a superb view of an ever-changing beach!
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Sado Gold Mine: Meiji Government-controlled mine (Doyu Tunnel) Course
Sado Gold Mine: Meiji Government-controlled mine (Doyu Tunnel) Course
The Sado gold mine prospered more than ever with the introduction of mechanization. Follow the modernization of the mine through items such as the mine cars, traces of the crushed rocks resulting from gunpowder technology, and the rock outcropping which split the mountain due to mining known as the Doyu-no-Warito.
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Ryotsu Port
Ryotsu Port
This is Sado’s largest port with many ferry runs over the year. It is the starting point for intra-island tourism with bus lines which extend everywhere on the island and rental cars.
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Chokoku-ji Temple
Chokoku-ji Temple
Reincarnation?! At this ancient and honorable temple, you can undergo intense Buddhist experiences! You will feel calm in your heart through these experiences coming from a chief priest filled with ideas
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Osado Ishina Natural Cedar Forest
Osado Ishina Natural Cedar Forest
A natural forest whose trees have been greatly transformed by strong winds blowing in from the Sea of Japan and the accumulation of snow. Now there is a walking trail available so that you can relish Sado’s distinctive mountain scenery.
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Tenryo Ryotsu Sado Takigi Noh
Tenryo Ryotsu Sado Takigi Noh
Noh theater proliferates on Sado Island and has been performed frequently outdoors since ancient times. From time to time, the wind blows embers everywhere, the sounds of insects echo and the scent of the grass and plants waft over. Amid all of this nature, you can observe the rural beauty of Noh.
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Sadokoku Ogi Folk Museum
Sadokoku Ogi Folk Museum
A museum that has gathered ancient implements and folk material that had been left in the port town of Shukunegi which was at the height of its prosperity in the late Edo Era. The senkokubune cargo ship that brought over goods during the Edo Era has been completely reproduced for the first time in Japan.
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Shiawase Jizo (Bodhisattva of Happiness)
Shiawase Jizo (Bodhisattva of Happiness)
The grand Shiawase Jizo whose figure soars above a tranquil mountain valley is Japan’s largest at a height of 17.5m. There is also a hall placed at the jizo as well as many enshrined jizo statues of varying sizes.
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Rengebu-ji Temple
Rengebu-ji Temple
The temple standing in the valley surrounded by mountains has been said to resemble the center and petals of a lotus blossom. You can admire the cultural properties at your leisure within the serene mountains.
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Seisonkaku was built by Nariyasu Maeda for his mother. It is a villa filled with vibrant colors where you can feel his consideration for his mother built into the details. The beauty in even the smallest details is breathtaking.
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Ogi Port
Ogi Port
Ogi Port is the southernmost port on Sado Island and is a convenient starting point for touring southern Sado. You can fully enjoy Sado culture and ocean leisure through areas such as the beautiful townscape of Shukunegi and the famous Sado specialty of the tarai bune.
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Daizen Shrine
Daizen Shrine
Daizen Shrine was constructed in the 14th century to enshrine the spirit of Daizenbo who had been executed for abetting the escape of the son of a court noble avenging his father’s death. There is a majestic thatch-roofed Noh stage inside the shrine grounds which was rebuilt in 1846.
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Seson-ji Temple
Seson-ji Temple
Samurai Kunimori Endo, who had accompanied Emperor Juntoku to Sado Island, encountered the Buddhist priest Nichiren and after converting to Buddhism, he constructed Seson-ji in 1273. The temple is known as the first Nichiren sect temple on Sado. The elaborately designed Akamon gate, the thatch-roofed Nagayamon gate and the flat wooden main hall stand in the middle of Mother Nature.
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