

土 ( 9:0 AM ~ 4:30 PM )
日 ( 9:0 AM ~ 4:30 PM )
平日 ( 9:0 AM ~ 4:30 PM )

エレベーター運行時間 3月~11月 AM8:00~PM5:00            12月~2月 AM9:00~PM4:30
Adult: 550 JPY
Children: 330 JPY

中学生以上 大人料金、幼児 無料
栃木県日光市中宮祠2479-2 華厳の滝
(0288) 55-0030





男体山の噴火によりせきとめられた中禅寺湖の流出口にあたる。岸壁からは伏流水が流れ出し、12の小滝となって滝全体を包み込むような独特の景観を作り出している。日光を開いた勝道上人が第1発見者とされ、天台宗の「華厳経」とよばれる仏教経典から名づけられたといわれている。落差が大きい滝はある程度の水量も必要だ。滝壺のあたりはかなりの水圧で横殴りの雨のように吹きあげてくる。4.5mの深い滝壺は神秘的な雰囲気。国の名勝に指定されたり日本地質100選に選ばれたりなど、その景観の素晴らしさは数多くの団体が認めている。滝上と滝下に展望台がある。滝下はエレベーターで100m下まで降り、地下通路をとおって滝壺付近まで行ける。3階だてで自由に行き来可能。梅雨の時期や台風が過ぎたあとなどは水量も増え、ごう音と水しぶきでより豪快な姿をみることができる。 中禅寺湖やそこから流れ落ちてくる滝の様子を一望できるのは、明智平展望台から。東武日光駅からバスで約35分、上り専用第2いろは坂終点近くにあるロープウェイが、明智平駅から明智平展望台駅までをつないでいる(所要時間約3分)。下からは見られない光景でスケールの大きさを感じる。




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8 years ago
If you like the great outdoors than Nikko is the place for you Kegon Falls is one of the more popular attractions in Nikko, though it's easy to see why. The waterfall is not so wide, but very long and cascades down into a beautiful valley. Apparently if you take photos of the waterfall, sometimes ghosts may even appear in your photos! Spooky! The waterfall itself is situated a short bus ride up the mountain, nearby to the Lake. Quite easily accessed. You can reach a viewing platform from a nearby elevator, which can be used for a small fee. I highly recommend using the viewing platform, it gives you the best view of the falls.
9 years ago
Great if you like waterfalls or water
Kegon Falls wants to be photographed, and why wouldn't it? When I first arrived, I was pleased to find that I could enjoy the waterfalls for free of charge, whilst surrounded by beautiful cliff faces and the sound of falling water, but it wasn't enough. I wanted to get closer; luckily, I could. There was an elevator I could ride down 100 metres to a second observation platform (it cost around 500 yen), and it was there that I could really experience the full thrill of this natural wonder. I got so close that I could feel the water on my face as it bounced off the rocks. Amazing!
9 years ago
Great spot for photographers!
This is an incredible spot for photography, especially in the fall (and perhaps winter?). I went here in the fall myself, and took a few long exposures down on the platform at the bottom of the falls (you have to pay a small fee and take an elevator to get there). The photos turned out very nice with coloured leaves surrounding the falls and the stream trickling down below. Even if you aren't a photographer it is well worth the view! A word of advice if you do plan to take some serious landscape photos - the area is very crowded, so be sure to set up and prepare your shot behind the crowd then move in when you see a lull in the crowd. If you are patient and wait for the right opening you can find some nice compositions ;)