嵐山モンキーパーク いわたやま


土 ( 9:0 AM ~ 4:30 PM )
日 ( 9:0 AM ~ 4:30 PM )
平日 ( 9:0 AM ~ 4:30 PM )

9am-5:30pm (3/15~10/31) 9am-4:30pm (11/1~3/14) [close] 大雨等、荒天の場合は休園
Adult: 550 YEN
Children: 250 YEN
京都府京都市西京区嵐山元録山町8 嵐山モンキーパークいわたやま
(075) 872-0950





「京都にこんな場所があったとは!?」と驚きのスポットがここ。「嵐山モンキーパークいわたやま」は、嵐山の岩田山にある6000平方メートルの野猿公園。現在、約120頭のニホンザルが園内に暮らしている。サルたちが集まる山頂までは、展望台から約15分から20分ほどの道のり。道路はきれいに整備されているので、こども連れでも登ることが可能だ。森林浴しながらのハイキングは、爽快感がある。 通常の動物園との大きな違いはサルとの距離感。山頂の広場には柵も檻もなく、至るところにサルがウロウロ。注意点をきちんと守れば、近くで観察することもできる。野生のサルにここまで接近できる場所は、他にはなかなかないだろう。一日数回、飼育係が餌を撒く餌やりタイムがあるので、たくさんサルを見たい時はこの時間に広場で待機しよう。山頂にある休憩所では、りんごや落花生などの餌やりも可能(1袋100円)。サルが外、人間がフェンス内と、動物園とは逆の状況がおもしろい。どの季節も楽しいが、サルたちの恋の季節である秋から冬、たくさんのベビーが誕生する春は一見の価値がある。




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7 years ago
Monkeying around
When I first heard that there was this kind of a park in Kyoto I really wanted to see it. The park is a bit farther away from the city, but nature you see while arriving to the closest station and walking through the small town to where the park starts is a exciting journey itself. The park is located on a small mountain and it is a bit of a climb but that made it for some reason even more worth it. Once up at the Park it was really fun to see the monkeys and to get to feed them, the staff there is also very nice and helpful, they helped us to get a picture with a monkey.
8 years ago
Monkeys and superb view, the perfect combination
When visiting Kyoto last spring I heard that there was a monkey park up on a mountain. Without any doubt in mind I went to the mountain that had short climb up and arrived at the park. It was very exciting for me, because it was the first time to see sooo many monkeys in one spot at the same time! I loved it! There is also a little hut where you can go inside and buy some fruits to feed to monkeys. This though, can only be done with you inside the hut and sticking your hand outside the hut to feed the monkeys outside. It was still very fun! The place is also recommendable to take beautiful picture of the city of Kyoto.
9 years ago
Dude, Monkeys.
Best view of Kyoto, no other contenders. Give this place the prize...if there is one. Anyway. This monkey park is located very close to Arashiyama. Once you trek up a slight hill, pay a stranger, and trek up another slightly larger hill, you will reach the monkey park! There is something about wandering around a mountain full of monkeys that makes you think "Wow, this idea sure wouldn't work back home" But somehow it works here, from my experience, tourists don't hassle the monkeys too much. Just don't look them in the eyes or they will try to fight you! (There are actually signs that state this) You can feed the monkeys inside a small wooden building, it's pretty amusing. Would be 5 stars but -1 star for smelling like unwashed monkeys.