Wajima Morning Market

A famous morning market which started 1000 years ago. Fresh seafood and special products are available at the 200 booths

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At Wajima Morning Market, considered to be one of the three top morning markets in Japan, 200 booths sell seafood, vegetables, and local traditional handicrafts including “Wajima-nuri” lacquerware. Wajima is in fact one of the famous areas in Japan for lacquerware.
Business Hours
Weekdays ( 9:0 AM ~ 6:0 AM )

8:00am-12:00am [close] The 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of every month January 1st-3rd
Fugeshimachi, Wajima, Ishikawa
(0768) 22-1503

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A major morning market in Japan which can be enjoyed by everybody from local residents to tourists

At the morning market which is in the middle of town some 15 minutes’ walk from Wajima Port, numerous booths are all lined up from the morning, ready to go into a bustle of activity. On either side of the 360m shopping street, 200 booths have crowded in and long been appreciated as the local residents’ kitchen amassing a variety of foods such as fresh seafood unloaded from the port, processed marine products, fruits and vegetables grown on local farms, flowers along with candies and bread. In addition, old-fashioned folk crafts and the traditional local lacquerware known as Wajima-nuri, which is famous all throughout the country, are sold. While taking a peek into the stands with lively voices crying out, you can try various types of shopping from food to souvenirs.

The friendly Wajima Morning Market popular with women

The Wajima Morning Market which has been around for more than 1000 years is said to have started from the Heian Era. Its origins lie in the bringing and exchange of products on dates such as the festival days at the shrine. Known as a women’s market for buyers and sellers, many of the people selling farm products and seafood are women. From long ago, the women of Wajima have been well known as hard workers and are quite proud of this fact when the old adage of “One husband and a woman who cannot feed two people are incompetent” is considered. The freshly-unloaded seafood at the market can also be bought at the Wajima Port Market. The many women who can be seen at the market auctions are also a trademark of Wajima.


How to enjoy Wajima Morning Market

At Wajima Morning Market, there are many products which don’t have a price tag. Since prices can be haggled, chatting with the locals while shopping is a custom at the market. Also, there is the Sumibi (Charcoal) Corner in the rest area of the morning market which can be used by anybody for free. You will want to grill that seafood that you have just purchased and eat it hot.

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