
美しい大自然を満喫できる京都屈指の観光地 嵐山


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大自然が満喫できるトロッコ列車と保津川下りはお勧め。当日のチケット購入が可能で、嵐山〜亀岡間はトロッコ列車で、帰りの亀岡〜嵐山間は保津川下りという組み合わせもおすすめ。トロッコ列車は、山間の渓谷に沿ってゆっくりと優雅に走りながら、春は桜、夏は新緑、秋は紅葉、冬は雪と、四季折々の景色を楽しめる片道所要時間およそ25分の観光列車(1月、2月は運休)。また、保津川下りは亀岡から嵐山までの約16キロの渓流を2時間かけて下る観光用舟下り。昔ながらの船頭さんが手漕ぎで川を下っていき、四季折々の美しい自然美とスリルの両方を味わえる人気の川下り。保津川下りは年中営業しており、冬季はお座敷暖房船となる。 嵐山駅周辺は徒歩で観光できるのも魅力のひとつ。渡月橋の周りでは手漕ぎボートがレンタルでき、間近に迫る嵐山の絶景を楽しめる。必見の寺は「天竜寺」。1339年に足利尊氏によって創建され、特別名勝の庭園は、嵐山を借景に日本絵画のような美しさ。法堂の天井に描かれた直径9メートルの「雲龍図」はどこから見ても龍に睨まれているようで大迫力。天竜寺北川には100メートル続く竹林の風情ある散歩道が広がる。


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8 years ago
So much to do!
The mountain backdrop of Arashiyama is incredibly. The streets are lined with souvenir shops, restaurants selling local cuisine and street foods. Of course this is the location of the famous bamboo forest plus some very well renowned temples. You can take a rickshaw ride and be guided by a local as well.
9 years ago
Best spot in Kyoto!
This is hands down the best spot in Kyoto There is a beautiful bamboo forest which will send your mind back into what you thought Japan would be, and fulfills those dreams. Nearby is a small street of shops selling traditional Japanese nick-nacks and trinkets along with traditional foods. At the end of the street is a wonderful river with a old bridge over it, it's a very nice view, especially in summer, with the green mountains in the background. There is also a monkey park over the other side of the river and slightly up the river, which has the best view of Kyoto. And monkeys, don't forget monkeys. Go to Arashimyama, you will not be disappointed!
9 years ago
Time for the true beauty of the NATURE!
It was a wonderful day visiting here. Very beautiful sunshine, gentle breeze, fresh air and blue sky. Right after getting off the bus with my 1-day Kyoto bus pass, the first thing we saw was the magnificent Togetsukyo Bridge and Katsura River. We took some photos, then found a cool cafe called % Arabica Coffee next to the bridge. If you are craving for a sip of coffee, this just comes handy. Besides escaping from the city life and enjoying the nature, you can see monkeys and raccoon if you are lucky enough! Good luck!
9 years ago
My favourite spot in Kyoto!
This is my favourite spot in Kyoto and every time I visit I am awestruck at the beauty of the place! Arashiyama has a variety of things to do, from trying out the local snacks to wandering vast gardens and bamboo forests - so its best to plan at least a half day here. Visiting in the autumn when the leaves change is particularly beautiful because the whole mountainside (and gardens) become a rich red and orange colour. My wife and I rented a boat for an hour on the southwest side of the bridge and it was a very romantic and peaceful row up the river. They even have little snack boats along the river where you can buy things like dango and ice cream! Apart from the scenic views, there are lost of restaurants and places to buy traditional goods and souvenirs. After walking around the area, you will probably be tired so I highly recommend you try the foot onsen near the randen train station. Here you can soak your feet in hot spring water and relax a bit before heading in to the city centre.