Travel plan for first timers in Nara

Take a walk around Nara, a World Heritage city just like Kyoto. In addition to searching for those historical sites such as Todai-ji Temple’s Daibutsu-den Hall representing Japan’s World Heritage monuments, you can also fully appreciate the cityscape of Nara which is rich in tourism.

Day 1

9:20 AM
A historic site that has been registered as a World Heritage site. Many National Treasures are present here including the Buddhist sculpture masterpiece, the Statue of Ashura. The five-storied pagoda reflected in Sarusawa Pond celebrates the superb scenery of Nara.
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10:40 AM
Walk through the townscape retaining the atmosphere of traditional townhouses (inhabited by merchants and artisans) in the final years of the Edo Era. There are also plenty of Japanese-style restaurants and cafés. It is a 20-minute walk from Naramachi to Kasuga-taisha Shrine but taking a taxi there is also handy.
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Kasuga Taisha
12:30 PM
Kasuga Taisha
Explore the World Heritage site of Kasuga-taisha with its impressive red main shrine. At the Kasuga-taisha National Treasure Hall which was re-opened in 2016, valuable works of Buddhist art can be enjoyed.
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Nara Park
14:05 PM
Nara Park
Take a stroll through Nara Park which is famous for all of the wild deer living there. You can fully enjoy the verdant natural setting of Nara while taking part in the popular activity of feeding the deer inside the park.
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15:00 PM
Head for Todai-ji, a World Heritage site that is Nara’s biggest highlight. The masterpiece that is the statue of Kongo Rikishi placed at Nandaimon Gate and Japan’s largest Great Buddha and other exhibits can be seen here. The sunset seen from Nigatsu-do Hall is exquisite.
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