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「横浜マリンタワー」1961年、横浜開港100周年を記念して建てられた高さ106mのタワー。2009年にリニューアルし、展望フロア、レストラン、ショップ、カフェなどが入っている。 「ホテルニューグラント」は開業80年以上のクラシックホテル。レトロな雰囲気が残る本館2階のロビーは見学可能。クラシカルな雰囲気の中、窓から山下公園をのぞめる。カフェやレストランは散策中に一息できる場所として最適。


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7 years ago
Great view
It's a pretty great park. Enjoy walking along the long road in the park while viewing the sea view. You can also see the great view of the buildings on the other side.
9 years ago
Every time I see red shoes, I think of her
The park is on the waterfront, which is sadly cast in shadow by Hikawa Maru, an ocean liner that blocks the sunshine and is needlessly massive. These days it serves as another museum, and eclipses the park with inconsideration. The reason I came to this park, however, was because I saw a sign for another point of interest that intrigued me, the Statue of Guardian God of Water. It is no secret that I enjoy irony, so I find it incredibly amusing that the statue here stands within a construction site, inside a small pond full of bricks, and is completely absent of any water whatsoever. I can’t imagine the statue is best pleased with its surroundings. Also within Yamashita Park, is Statue of Little Girl with Red Shoes On. I don’t really know what it was I was expecting to see here, but the description on the sign was pretty accurate. The girl is here to represent a children’s song from 1922. The song was written by Ujō Noguchi, and is called, ‘Akai Kutsu’, translating to mean, ‘Red Shoes’. "A young girl with red shoes, was taken away by a foreigner. She rode on a ship from Yokohama pier, taken away by a foreigner. I imagine right now she has become blue-eyed, living in that foreigner’s land. Every time I see red shoes, I think of her. And every time I meet a foreigner, I think of her." I am not too sure what the song is about, and the only explanation offered by the sign here is that Yokohama City want this statue to become a cherished landmark for its countless visitors. Sadly, the visitors appear to just walk along, not giving the statue a second glance.