Hatcho Miso-no-Sato

Learn the secrets of “Hatcho miso”, crucial in Aichi cuisine

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This is a facility where you can learn about the history and manufacturing process of Hatcho miso, crucial for making the local dishes of Aichi Prefecture. Tour the “Kakukyu” factory, the leading company selling “Hatcho miso”, and enjoy shopping. With its long history, it has been designated a Registered Tangible Cultural Property. At Hatcho Miso-no-Sato’s restaurant, Kyuuemon, you can try a variety of dishes using “Hatcho miso”.
Business Hours

Opening hours: 9am~5pm Factory tour Weekdays 10am~4pm Starting on the hour and lasting 30 minutes (register at the store entrance) Weekends and holidays 9:30am~4pm Starting at 30-minute intervals on the hour(no tour at 12:30) Closed: New Year’s holidays
Adult: 0 YEN
Children: 0 YEN
Okandori 69, Hatchocho, Okazaki, Aichi
(0564) 21-1355

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