Ankokuron-ji Temple

A place where the intensity of Nichiren and the beauty of the temple splendidly blend into each other

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Nichiren, who was considered radical and even extremist at times, came to Kamakura and initially established a place of meditation. Famous writings remain of the temple that became a base for his 20 years of missionary work.
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Saturday ( 9:0 AM ~ 4:30 PM )
Sunday ( 9:0 AM ~ 4:30 PM )
Weekdays ( 9:0 AM ~ 4:30 PM )

[close] Open during national holidays.
Adult: 100 YEN
Ankokuron-ji, 4-4-18 Omachi Kamakura-shi Kanagawa
(0467) 22-4825

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The temple where Nichren wrote “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land”

Next to the cave where Nichiren set up his place of meditation, his disciple began the construction of Ankokuronkutsu-ji Temple. Afterwards, the temple became Ankokuron-ji Temple following the writing of the famous “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land” at the temple. When Nichiren was 38, he presented a treatise to the most influential figure in Japan, Tokiyori Hojo in which he said, “Believing other religions without embracing the Lotus Sutra will bring ruin to the nation”. This was the famous “On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land”. It is said that he wrote the treatise in the cool and soundless Gohokutsu cave lit only by candlelight.

A temple highly popular for its beautiful hydrangeas

Ankokuron-ji is highly popular for beautiful flowers all year round even in Kamakura. Many people visit for the peach, weeping cherry blossoms and hydrangea in early spring and for the changing colors in fall. From early June, the hydrangeas in full bloom are planted all over the temple grounds, and the path to the temple from the Sanmon gate, the area in front of the main hall and even at the Nanmenkutsu cave at the rear of the temple are surrounded by colorful hydrangeas. The unusual Myohozakura mountain cherry trees that have been designated as a Natural Monument have an age of 760 years. Even during the peak season, there are relatively few visitors so it is popular as a little-known spot. Early to mid-April is the best time to come. If you walk up the stone steps beside the Gohokutsu cave, you will reach Fujimidai, a sightseeing point where you can view the city of Kamakura, the seaside and even Mt. Fuji. Nichiren apparently read Buddhist scriptures from this point while facing Mt. Fuji. Ahead of Fujimidai, there is a mountain road among the thick forest. It’s said that whenever he felt besieged in his thatched hut, he would escape along that road and head into the back mountains.

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