










そんな新宿で、最近外国人観光客の注目を浴びているのが、新宿ゴールデン街である。新宿歌舞伎町1丁目にある飲食店街である。歌舞伎町は、新宿東口より徒歩5分。歌舞伎町1番外には飲食店、居酒屋、風俗店がひしめき合うが、ゴールデン街には居酒屋がほとんど。文豪バーなど、映画監督や作家などが通っていたものから、ジャズバーなどそれぞれに個性のある居酒屋も多い。 このゴールデン街は、見た目は昭和の日本そのもので、狭い限られた空間の中にいくつもの居酒屋やスナックがひしめき合っている。第二次世界大戦後に建てられた木造長屋建ての建物が、ずらりと並んでいて、270店舗以上の居酒屋やバーは、新宿の開発の波に飲み込まれることなく日本の戦後、昭和時代の様子を色濃く残している。そのこじんまりとして、フレンドリーな雰囲気が、世界の観光客の注目を浴びる理由のようだ。また、夏にはゴールデン街清涼祭が行われている。(2014年は8月に実施された)ワンドリンク500円で、チャージなし。お昼から空いているお店も170店舗以上あり、夜にはなかなか怖くて挑戦できない人にもおすすめだ。また、ゴールデン街に隣接している花園神社では、11月に酉の市が行われる。酉の市とは、商売繁盛を願う江戸時代から続く行事。チャンスがあればこちらにも観光で訪れてみても良いだろう。


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7 years ago
The city that never sleeps
A place that never sleeps. Come here to feel the city vibe 24/7! Keep up the pace when you cross JR station with lots of Japanese Salary men. Enjoy shopping with neon lights and stop by Golden-Gai to have a drink, This shining retro district with more than 200 bars is definitely a must-go. Feel the total different atmosphere there!
8 years ago
So busy!
Shinjuku is one of those places where you can easily get lost! Not because its streets are complicated, but more because there are sooo many people all over! Even so,once you get used to getting around its a great place to go for entertainment and shopping!
9 years ago
Something for everyone
I have always maintained, that if there is something you want to buy, or a service you want. You can find it in Shinjuku. I believe this place is far too big for one article. But I digress. There is quite literally everything here, so I'm quite puzzled on how to review this place. You like food? Go to Shinjuku You like bars? Go to Shinjuku You like clubbing? Go to Shinjuku You like shopping? Go to Shinjuku You want er..."Other services"? Go to Shinjuku Kabukicho and Shinjuku 2-Chome are very interesting spots and I recommend both. Kabukicho is the red light district, but to me at-least feels rather safe (If you keep your wits about you) and is a very, very strange place. Shinjuku 2-chome is home to a plethora of gay/lesbian and transgender bars/clubs and establishments. Its also a very interesting area. I recommend this place too. Shinjuku is huge, ultra busy and crazy. But super fun. Check it ooouuuuttt!
9 years ago
Entertaining nightlife spot, good for sightseeing during the day
I like Shinjuku, despite the crowds. Numerous times I have visited here and always had a good time. The square Enix restaurant, the government building, and the small streets packed with bars and restaurants make it a great place for a day of sightseeing or a late night drink. The area of Kabukicho is interesting, but at the same time, it is the only area that lets Shinjuku down in my opinion. Otherwise Shinjuku is an amazing place, and almost a city in itself. Shinjuku Station is of impressive size too, and it is easy to get lost; which isn't necessarily a bad thing.