

土 ( 6:0 AM ~ 5:0 PM )
日 ( 6:0 AM ~ 5:0 PM )
平日 ( 6:0 AM ~ 5:0 PM )

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(03) 3842-0181







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7 years ago
a little crowded but a must visit!
It just feels hearty. It's a big temple, you can pray, sit and eat, take photos, ect. Lots of food and souvenir shops on the path to the temple.
8 years ago
Make a wish!
I love to go and pray at Sensoji whenever I happen to be close by! It is always very relaxing the moment I close my eyes in front of the temple to pay my respects. Every wish I ever wished for at this temple always came true, so it is a very dear and magical spot to me! And of course the design and atmosphere of the place is just amazing! I prefer to visit on the night time as it is less busy and I feel that I can enjoy the place at my own pace!
8 years ago
I can watch this temple over and over again
「ただいま」 ("I'm home") when you discover a place you like and come here again and again, it will start to feel like home. That's what happened with the Sensoji temple for me. During daytime it can get crowded here, but sometimes I loved to walk an extra long way through the temple to get to the Lawson nearby to buy some stuff. For a short moment you just feel like a normal japanese person. I'd recommend to visit it again in the evening. You will see less people here and the temple looks really beautiful light up at night. The atmosphere will change as well as you might notice.
9 years ago
Puts you at ease
I'd give this place 5 stars if i didn't get a bad luck fortune told to me. I come to know this place quite well. Lots of random shops for souvenirs. Lots of people coming to pray for good fortune and health. Many small temples and shrines to pray at. There's some pretty good ice cream here that I tried. I feel at ease when I walk through this place. I recently took my friend here and she loved it and I'm glad this place is a memory we will both have although she was really sad for having a bad fortune. Rain or shine this place can clear the mind when it's not so busy.
9 years ago
An amazing temple in the heart of Asakusa
Sensō-ji is a Buddhist Temple in Asakusa and the oldest temple in Tokyo. The entrance to the temple is marked by a giant red and white lantern, and probably the largest lantern I have seen in my life. This section is known as Kaminarimon, or the Thunder Gate. Standing either side of the gate are two large statues, the one on the left, I am told, is Fūjin, the god of wind; and to the right, Raijin, the god of thunder. Next up on the way to the temple is a row of over 80 stalls selling fans, umbrellas, souvenirs, various foodstuffs (bean paste buns and rice crackers appear to be popular today), clothing, handbags, and one stall claiming to sell tortoise shell and coral. This section is called Nakamise-Dori, and creates a beautiful lantern lit road of stalls leading to the Temple. In the temple courtyard stands Goju-no-To, a five-story pagoda, and at 53 meters tall is the second highest pagoda in the whole of Japan. Before the entrance to the temple there is a huge cauldron that bellows out incense in the form of thick smoke. The cauldron is the last thing before the entrance to the Hondō, or Main Hall. Once inside the Main Hall there is apparently a golden statue of Kannon, the goddess of mercy; the statue is said to have been fished out of a lake in the year 628 AD by two fishermen. I get my fortune from the temple and am pleased to say it is the 'Best Fortune'. It tells me to build a new house. Overall, Sensō-ji is an amazing temple, and one of my favourite attractions in Asakusa, and perhaps even Tokyo.