


1 月 6:40 - 16:20 2 月 6:20 - 16:50 3 月 5:40 - 17:20 4 月 5:10 - 17:50 5 月 5:00 - 18:10 6 月 5:00 - 18:30 7 月 5:00 - 18:20 8 月 5:00 - 18:00 9 月 5:20 - 17:20 10 月 5:40 - 16:40 11 月 6:10 - 16:10 12 月 6:40 - 16:00 日の出から日の入り。
東京都渋谷区代々木神園町1-1 明治神宮
(03) 3379-5511







明治神宮はこの他にも、御苑という御祭神ゆかりの庭園があり、6月には花菖蒲が綺麗に咲き誇る神社として知られている。また、ここはパワースポットとして若い女性を中心に人気のあるスポットでもある。例えば、夫婦楠は創建当時より明治神宮の外拝殿の脇にある大きな楠で、夫婦円満、家内安全の象徴として多くの人にパワースポットとして愛されている。 また、タイミングが合えば日本式の結婚式をみることもできるだろう。一般的に参拝者が見ることができるのは、神前結婚式に参進・退下する列だ。神前式とは、神様の前でこれから社会のために夫婦として貢献していくことを、神様にお祈りをするという意味の結婚式。参道を神職と巫女に導かれながら白無垢という白い和服を着た新婦と、着物を着た新郎が参進する列ゆっくりと歩いていく様子は、まさに日本の文化を感じられる瞬間だ。




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8 years ago
Urban Oasis
Just across the bridge next to Harajuku station, you will see the magnificent Torii gates. Go though this and you will feel like a million miles away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The shrine itself is also impressive. Learn from Japanese and give a prayer of good luck! If you are lucky, you can see the traditional Japanese Shinto wedding ceremony here.
8 years ago
For a nice cool walk in the summer
The Meji jingu shrine is located right next to Harajuku and its station. It is a very nice and cooling walk (especially in the summer), because the trees give lots of shade, from the entrance to the actual shrine. During my time in Japan I've visited several time since I wanted to show my friends who were visiting as well and the place just never bores me. I like it because it is right in the city and a beautiful symbol of Tokyo to many visitors.
8 years ago
A small bit of paradise
I really love Meiji Shrine and I feel I can always go there every time I am close by, even tho I have been there so many times before. Especially during summer is a breath of fresh air whenever you enter through the main gate, and walk the path filled with beautiful nature. The shrine architecture is also very beautiful and it always manages to make me fell i came back in time! I feel also very luck whenever I can see a traditional Japanese groom and bride passing by the temple! I always look forward to Meiji's emperor poetry bits that you can get there!
8 years ago
Tranquility and raucousness sit side by side
Meiji Shrine sits next to JR Harajuku Station, near the bustling Takeshita Dori st., young fashionista’s haunt in Tokyo. You wouldn’t believe your eyes that such a tranquil place is adjacent to one of the Tokyo’s busiest town of Harajuku. Step inside the shrine premise, you will feel sacred spirit in the air. As you proceed towards the main shrine, the holy atmosphere increases. After offering prayer at the shrine, other attractions such as Yoyogi Park, Yoyogi Olympic Gymnasium, and Omotesando, Tokyo’s trendiest town, are within walking distance.
8 years ago
A place to relax in a busy city
After being surrounded by buildings all day, it is a delightful break to walk from Harajuku station to the Meiji jingu shrine. Since many other people be on their way to the shrine, you can easily follow them. Sometimes you are lucky and see a traditional wedding walking inside the shrine, which is an amazing experience of Japanese culture.
9 years ago
Ninja Gaiden
If you ever played that game then this place will feel just like it. This shrine is very big filled with trees, giant crows, people having a traditional Japanese style wedding, and many ways to clean your sins. They have a pretty good food place that serves some ice cream. Filled with tourist shops and nature this place can be a little overwhelming in a good way, the bigger the better. Just don't get lost....Or eaten by a giant crow
9 years ago
A relaxing place for an afternoon stroll
Meiji Shrine is a great place for a stroll. The path is shrouded by trees and is incredibly relaxing. The sheer size of the torii gates are impressive, and the shrine itself often hosts many events all year round. The are numerous little distractions within the shrine grounds, ponds, gardens, and even a treasure museum.