






神田はよく“生粋の江戸っ子”の街と呼ばれる。“江戸っ子”とは、さっぱりとした性格、気前もいい、そんな粋な江戸(東京)生まれ、江戸(東京)育ちの人を例えた言葉だが、江戸の町人文化が栄えた神田の人々には、今でもその気質が受け継がれている。古い物の良さを大切にしつつ、新しいものにも目がない。いかにも”江戸-東京人“らしさにあふれ、活気にあふれている。 神田にはさまざまな風景を持つエリアがあり、歴史的建造物が残る地区、新しいオフィスビルや大学が並ぶ地区、”本屋街、楽器街、スポーツ用品街が並ぶ地区“など、イメージも変化に富む。しかし、それらが違和感なく存在できるのは神田ならでは。5月に開かれる神田祭は”江戸っ子“神田の人々の大切な祭りだ。江戸時代から続く江戸三大祭りのひとつであり、日本三大祭りとも言われる神田祭は、住人の誇り。町をあげておおいに盛り上がる。




神保町エリアの靖国通りに沿って多くの書店がならぶ本屋街。大通り沿いだけでなく、路地までもある書店は、その多くは古書店で、江戸時代の骨董古書を扱う店も多い。浮世絵、版画、古地図、さらには医学、武術、科学に関する本も揃える古書専門店もある。店主と相談しながらの本さがしも良いが、山と積まれた古書から自分好みの本を見つける宝探しも楽しい。 秋には町をあげて“神田古本まつり”が開催され、100店舗、100万冊以上の古書が並ぶ。全国から多くの本好きが集まり、一日中本探しに没頭する。この近辺には”喫茶店“と呼ばれる小さなカフェが、いくつもひっそりと隠れているので、うまく見つけて入るのも楽しいだろう。小さな店でコーヒーを飲みながら、買ったばかりの本を開き、疲れた足を休めるのも”本の街、神田“らしく、おすすめの過ごし方だ。


江戸時代の古書 大屋書房

浮世絵、美術書 山田書房

浮世絵専門店 東洲斎 


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9 years ago
Is there anything to do here?
If you're in Tokyo for a holiday, you're looking for fun right? You want to experience Japanese culture right? Kanda has very little of either of these things. Do you know anyone who says amazing things about Kanda? Probably not. Upon exiting the JR station you will greeted with pretty much nothing that cannot be found outside or around any JR station. I have wandered the area looking for some semblance of fun, but have yet to find it. Perhaps maybe I need to wander further, though perhaps there are just more exciting places in Tokyo to be explored. Kanda is not awful by any means. Be I have found nothing enjoyable here. The station is alright though.
9 years ago
Good if you want to buy some books
Jinbōchō is named after Nagaharu Jinbō, a samurai who used to live here back in the days; although they took his name, there is little to no information about him on the signs here. Perhaps I can find something about him in one of the many history books on sale here today. At Book Town, one side of the street is exclusively used book shops. Little lanterns line the length of the street, and outside the usual shops, a massive corridor of small bookcases stretches the length of the event. On a normal day of book shopping, you would be spoilt for choice, but today, at the 55th Kanda Used Book Festival, the amount of used books in one area is more than anywhere else in the world. There is a shop specialising in only fashion books, another selling just manga comics, and another selling rare history books; they even have one book for sale for ¥350000. There is something I find calming about walking the aisles of a bookshop. Nobody is here trying to tout me into their shop, nobody asks me to enter when I am already inside, and nobody inside is speaking. The squeaking sound of my wet shoes the only thing disturbing the silence. The bookshops actually never end, and I easily get lost for a few hours in a world of words.