






秋葉原は、日本最大規模の電気街として知られている。高度成長期を機に、ソフトウェアや部品などを取り扱う店が立ち並び、世界でも有数の電気街へと成長。また、ゲームソフトなどの取り扱い店が増え、アニメやゲームなどのオタク文化も栄えた。最近では中国や韓国から、日本製の炊飯器などを求めた観光客が増加し続けている。このように外国人観光客に注目されている日本製の電化製品もここでならお得に買い物が可能だ。 また、秋葉原駅周辺の都市化計画によって、アソビットシティなどの複合施設が続々と開店したことにより、電気街としてだけではなく、サブカルチャーの聖地として秋葉原は観光地として成長してきた。つくばエクスプレスの開通で、交通面にも困らないのが観光客には嬉しい。 日本製の電化製品を買って帰りたい旅行者には、“sofmap”“Laox”、“ヨドバシカメラ”を利用すると良い。ただし、日本製品の中には海外では使用できないものもあるので注意が必要である。“Laox”や“ヨドバシカメラ”は免税店であるので、外国人観光客も多く、従業員にも安心して色々尋ねることができるはずだ。




少し疲れたところで、メイド喫茶に挑戦してみるのもおもしろい。アイドルや学生、メイドなどのコスプレをしたウェイターの女の子たちが、接客をしてくれるのがこのメイド喫茶だ。ただ料理や飲み物を運んでくれるだけではなく、お客さんはご主人さまとしての待遇をうける。メイド喫茶では海外では経験できないようなオタク文化独特の世界を体験が出来るにちがいない。 また、日本で国民的アイドルグループのAKB48グループの専用ライブハウスは、ディスカウントストアとしていくつもの店舗を展開してするドンキホーテに併設されている。アニメや漫画、アイドルグループの熱狂的ファンはオタクと呼ばれ、これらの独特な文化はオタク文化として世界にも知られ始めている。秋葉原では自分の好きなアニメや漫画のコスプレをして街を探索しても白い目で見られることはない。むしろ、有名人になったように写真を撮られるかも。秋葉原はアニメやポップカルチャー好きが揃って自由に過ごすことができる、開放的な場所なのだ。日頃のアニメ愛を思う存分疲労したいオタクたちには是非おすすめしたい場所である。 1日じっくりかけて、日本のアニメ文化を楽しみ、電化製品の買い物をしたいなら秋葉原が絶好な観光スポットだろう。


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7 years ago
anime paradise
Akihabara is an anime paradise with many unique cafes and electric stores. So bright and lots of people. If you are into anime, manga, and figurines, it's the perfect place for you.
7 years ago
Nerds paradise
If you are a fan of games, anime, manga or movies there will be something for you in Akihabara. The many shops of Akihabara have all kinds of things related to anime, manga, games and even series and movies from outside of Japan. You can find figurines from your favorite game or the soundtrack to your favorite anime. For gamers there are arcades packed full of different kind of games, from Claw machines where you can try and win some awesome and crazy stuff to dancing games and fighting games. Between all the shopping and gaming, you can go and relax to one of the many Maid cafes in Akihabara which is a whole different experience from any other place you have been to.
7 years ago
Animé town, I could spend hours here just browsing through the shops even just looking at the pictures in the Japanese only manga stalls. It's a shock to the senses in a good way plus there's cheap eats around. Note, the Tokyo Animé Centre was closed down in July 2017,,
8 years ago
Geeky wonderland
If you like anime or manga then this place is a must for your bucket list. Every shop along any main road or side street is a little gem. Foodies would love the variety of fun restaurants or tasty streed food that has you salivating at the mere smell. A truly increadible place to visit more than once.
8 years ago
What's going on?
I am sure that I am an exception, but I didn't like Akihabara much, even I grew up with Manga and Anime. For me it was almost impossible to get a sense of direction. If you know this area and shops well, I am sure it's heaven. As a tourist just having a look it was too much of everthing. After 1 hour we just left and I started to get a headache. Little culture shock in a way.
9 years ago
The first time I went to Akihabara I was blown away! So many lights! So much music! So many people! It's what my former 16 year old self imagined Japan to be! Do you like Manga? Anime? Games? Electronics? Cute girls dressed as maids? Cute girls dressed as maids running cafes? Then Akihabara is for you! Down the main street (Which is easy enough to find) is a plethora of Anime, Manga and Game stores. Along with plenty of Arcades filled with the latest Street Fighter, or whatever kids these days play. Side alleys are filled with Electronics stores, which sell all sorts of nick-nacks, such as LED lights, cables, the latest phones or laptops, you name it! Akihabara will have it somewhere! If you wish to experience and explore Japan's modern culture, be sure to visit Akihabara!
9 years ago
Shut up and take my money
Let me tell you this. If you miss arcades. If you love anime. If you like to be surrounded by people who have the same nerdy interests as you, then this is the place you need to go. This place makes your gaming conventions and anime conventions look like a school yard. Everyday this place is busy, every day there is something neat to see. Every building has something to nerd about. If you do come, do it on a Sunday where they close the street so waste no time waiting for a stupid street light to tell you to cross. The buildings have banners of anime and gaming advertisements. Today's advertisement is assassins creed along with seraph of the end. I will say this also, don't be fooled by the look of this place. This place is extremely expensive to shop, remember that yen have dollar coins, so you will eat through your pockets at arcades, buying figures from second hand stores, and eating at maid cafes. Speaking of cafes, although I have never been, there is a maid alley and basement idol alley where they stand in the blistering cold promoting their place of work, so if it's cold out, go and have a meal with them.
9 years ago
If you love anime and manga, Akihabara is the place to go! There are lots of shops where you can buy manga and DVD's, and on the streets there are anime-banners and huge screens everywhere. There are also big game centers where you can play all kind of games. For example, fighting games like "Tekken" or music games as well. It's very impressive to see but also really crowded.
9 years ago
Electronics, games, noise, anime, manga, and noise
If you like noise, then head over to Akihabara. It really is the home for all things electrical. I often visit here, but never for longer than needed. If you like video games then there are multiple arcades, if you like crane claw machines, then there are multiple game centres, and if you like manga and anime, there are multiple shops selling those things too. However, as much as I love Akihabara, it can be a little overwhelming for me, and I often leave with a dizzying AKB48 headache. Regardless, it really is a convenient shopping area that has all of the same things in one place. Worth a visit. Bring earplugs.
9 years ago
Japan's pop/anime-culture hub!
I would recommend anyone visiting Tokyo to visit Akihabara, primarily because it is just so weird and unique. Wether or not you are an anime/manga fan, Akihabara is well worth seeing for its unique array of stores. Here you can shop (or window shop) for electronics, figurines, anime and manga goods, dolls, model trains, and just about any other toy you can think of. Another fun activity is trying out the number of arcades in the vicinity (the Sega arcade is particularly notable). The prices are fairly reasonable, and you can play some games that I have seen no where else - one such was a game where you were a salary-man who had to flip over a table (presumably due to stress?) at just the right moment in order to get higher points. Also don't forget to try Purikura (selfie machines), which is a funny thing my wife and I do every time we visit the area. Best visited around twilight while the shops are still open and the iconic neon signs begin to light up!