Oni-no-Chagama (The Devil’s Teakettle)

A source spring that once whistled like a teakettle whenever its waters boiled

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Located at Sai-no-Kawara to the west of Kusatsu Onsen, Oni-no-Chagama was said to have stopped whistling when people approached it and then start over again when they walked away from it. Currently, it no longer whistles although it is still an attractive high-temperature source spring.
Business Hours
Saturday ( 12:0 AM ~ 12:0 AM )
Sunday ( 12:0 AM ~ 12:0 AM )
Weekdays ( 12:0 AM ~ 12:0 AM )
群馬県吾妻郡草津町草津 西の河原公園内
(0279) 88-0800

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