Half Day Morning Plan in Ehime

Day 1

Ishite-ji Temple
9:00 AM
Ishite-ji Temple
This is an ancient temple that has retained many valuable cultural assets, including National Treasures, such as its three-storey pagoda and its Sanmon gate. It is also known as one of the 88 temples along the Shikoku Pilgrimage.
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Isaniwa Shrine
10:15 AM
Isaniwa Shrine
The vivid red shrine at the top of a long flight of steps is beautiful and the Hachiman-zukuri architectural style of its buildings that is unusual even within Japan is something not to be missed.
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Dogo Onsen
11:00 AM
Dogo Onsen
The 3000-year-old Dogo Onsen is Japan’s oldest hot spring, and it became a model for the famous anime “Spirited Away”. Experience this onsen at your leisure within its main building whose Japanese atmosphere has a sense of age and nobility. Then, take a stroll in the town around Dogo Onsen and sample the dishes of Matsuyama for lunch.
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