Kobe Kitano Museum

A historic building from the Meiji Era. Get a glimpse of what makes Kobe’s Kitano Ijinkan-gai so attractive

The former American Consulate building erected in 1898 has been converted into an art museum which introduces the history and culture of Kitano Ijinkan-gai and the works of artists from Paris’ Montmartre district which has a friendship exchange agreement with this area in Kobe.
Business Hours
Saturday ( 9:30 AM ~ 5:30 AM )
Sunday ( 9:30 AM ~ 5:30 AM )
Weekdays ( 9:30 AM ~ 5:30 AM )

[close] The 3rd Tuesday of every month
Adult: 500 YEN
Children: 300 YEN
2-9-6 Kitano-cho, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo
(078) 251-0581

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