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街ができて18年。もとは物流施設や工場用地として機能していた。注目を集めるきっかけとなったのは1993年に開通したレインボーブリッジ。東京湾に浮かぶ全長798mのなめらかな流線を描くつり橋だ。お台場はレインボーブリッジを中心に「遊び」をテーマにした施設が次々と建てられている。MEGA WEBは、トヨタが運営する車のテーマパーク。ショールームや歴史、体験ができる。2013年にリニューアルし、外国人向けに安全や環境関連の技術を紹介したり、海外専用車の展示もおこなっている。またお台場といえば、デックス東京ビーチ。「たこ焼きミュージアム」では、本場大阪から厳選された5店舗が出店している。「台場一丁目商店街」は昭和30年代の下町を再現し、駄菓子(麦、あわなど安価な材料で作られ、子供時代の象徴的なお菓子)や紙芝居など当時の子供たちの娯楽が紹介されているほか、日本初の妖怪博物館などがある。


温泉を利用した日帰り入浴施設が、大江戸温泉物語。天然温泉のほか、岩塩サウナ、縁日や占い、食事や買い物など、エンターテイメントも充実。好きな柄の浴衣を着てリラックスしながら楽しめる。お台場海浜公園の展望デッキからの夜景は雰囲気抜群。建物の中にある展望室から見るより開放感があり、スケールの大きさを感じられる。また、夜の交通はゆりかもめを利用するのもいい。高層ビル群を抜けていく様子は近未来を思わせる。 お台場は海が近いため風が強い日が多い。服装には注意が必要だ。


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7 years ago
Odaiba has pretty much everything. Everything seems so modern and clean. Visit if you have time. One day won't be enough to explore Odaiba though.
7 years ago
Odaiba at night
Odaiba has many things to do. Shopping malls, amusement park, many restaurants, parks, and Onsen! You won't get bored for sure. I like night walk here. It is located near Tokyo Bay and the view is dramatic. Illuminated giant wheel is so beautiful.
8 years ago
Dates in Odaiba!
At first I found Odaiba a bit difficult to explore, however once I got the hang of it I found myself having a lot o fun there! I think its a great place to go on a date of even with a small group of friends! They have some amusement parks and great malls! I really loved the Gundam and the liberty statue they have!
8 years ago
Somehow we just didn't match
After seeing quiet a lot of Tokyo, Odaiba didn't really impressed me during my first stay. But I am sure if you love modern architecture and water, you will like it. I visit it every now and then for a concert. The only problem is, that the train is a bit pricy to get there.
9 years ago
Odaiba is simply awesome!
In my opinion, Odaiba is the most fascinating place in entire Tokyo. It is surrounded by water, you can enter it via the Rainbow-bridge and some impressive buildings are inside the island - everything is clean and orderly. When I first came there, I thought: This must be the place where rich people live in Tokyo. And you have indeed a different feeling - a positive one though. Just try it out and go there, it pays off!
9 years ago
Giant mech
Crossing the famous Rainbow Bridge you'll get to the man made island of Odaiba. This place is pretty great. View the giant Gundam in front of the Diver City mall where things look so expensive they have doormen inside the mall and inside the stores waiting for you. 8 floors with an arcade movie theater and everything. The food court has some pretty good selections at a high price. There are other good places to journey to as well with an indoor theme park called Sega Joyopolis. Initial D live replica cars arcade game where the cars move with the screen to give you that real drifting experience making you feel like a real DK (Drift King). Man, there was this haunted house type thing where they talked about the Japanese version of the movie the ring...haill naw lets just say out of the group of random people that were in there and my cousin, we were the last ones in the first ones out after tripping over people and this announcer guy who was explaining the story was on the floor laughing at the scared black guys like the stereotype in horror movies.
9 years ago
The problem with Odaiba is there is too much to do!
Odaiba has a lot of things to do. Trick Art Museum, Madame Tussauds, a Lego Museum, a giant statue of Gundam, a stage that shows live performances at times (I was lucky enough to catch K-pop sensation Bangtan Boys performing here), a Ferris wheel, a massive amusements arcade, an exhibition center, a Goddess of Liberty, a Shell Petroleum museum, and a list that continues as long as my arm. Fireworks, a view of Rainbow Bridge, and some great eateries make Odaiba a great place to visit for the day, and a good place for a romantic evening.