Sannai-Maruyama Ruins

Experimente la vida en tiempos anteriores al nacimiento de Cristo, en las ruinas más grandes del asentamiento Jomon de Japón

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Aquí están los restos de un asentamiento Jomon de más de 3000 años atrás. Puede hacerse una idea del estilo de vida durante el período Jomon a través de las exhibiciones y talleres interactivos del museo.
Sábado ( 9:0 AM ~ 5:0 PM )
Domingo ( 9:0 AM ~ 5:0 PM )
Días de Semana ( 9:0 AM ~ 5:0 PM )

[close] 12/30~1/1
三内丸山遺跡, Sannaimaruyama, Aomori-shi, Aomori
(017) 781-6078

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9 years ago
A Blast From the Past!
I read about this place during my Japanese history class and was really excited to go here! It was really cool to see how people lived 5,000 years ago. Some buildings were still standing so you can look inside! Definitely research a little before you go and enjoy!
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9 years ago
This place is so cool. It's really awesome to look around and see how the Jomon people lived. And it's free! Should really go if you're in the area.
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