“Stimulus EVERYWHERE!”

9 years ago  /  by Alex
The first time I went to Akihabara I was blown away! So many lights! So much music! So many people! It's what my former 16 year old self imagined Japan to be! Do you like Manga? Anime? Games? Electronics? Cute girls dressed as maids? Cute girls dressed as maids running cafes? Then Akihabara is for you! Down the main street (Which is easy enough to find) is a plethora of Anime, Manga and Game stores. Along with plenty of Arcades filled with the latest Street Fighter, or whatever kids these days play. Side alleys are filled with Electronics stores, which sell all sorts of nick-nacks, such as LED lights, cables, the latest phones or laptops, you name it! Akihabara will have it somewhere! If you wish to experience and explore Japan's modern culture, be sure to visit Akihabara!
