Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival

A Tokyo summer tradition which is counted as one of the Three Big Tokyo Fireworks Festivals

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The fireworks are launched from 2 sites along the Sumida River. Approximately 20,000 fireworks are involved in which the most cutting-edge fireworks and competition prize-winning explosions are included.
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The last Saturday in July (please check the homepage) Site 1 7:05pm-8:30pm Site 2 7:30-8:30pm In case of rain, the festival will be held on the following day. If both Saturday and Sunday have inclement weather, then the event will be cancelled.
隅田川花火大会 第2会場 首都高速6号向島線
(03) 5608-1111

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A fireworks festival in Tokyo to herald the summer

The 20,000 fireworks that are launched from along the banks of the Sumida River in Tokyo have a long history that signify a Tokyo summer. That history began from 1733 and the festival gained in popularity until it was stopped in World War II. However, from 1978, it has continued to be held and currently it has regained popularity as one of the Three Big Tokyo Fireworks Festivals alongside the Tokyo Bay Grand Fireworks Festival and the Edogawa Ward Fireworks Festival. One feature of the Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival is the launching of the fireworks from two sites (Site 1 and Site 2) so that viewers can enjoy the contrast of the fireworks with depth. Furthermore, there are not only the traditional fireworks but also cutting-edge fireworks by local pyrotechnicians who have gained success at national fireworks competitions. Fireworks that resemble popular characters soar up into the sky which bring a great reaction from the audience.  Site 1 extends from Sakura Bridge downstream to Kototoi Bridge upstream while Site 2 goes from Komagata Bridge downstream to Umaya Bridge upstream. The soaring fireworks are reflected on the water surface, and you can feel a cooling sensation for a while. Many people can be seen wearing their yukata, so it is an event that feels like summer.

Recommended spots to enjoy the fireworks  

Around the Mito Kaido where you can see the fireworks launched from the two sites simultaneously, you can enjoy the contrast of the grand ring of fireworks. There are also the hidden spots where you can enjoy the festival at leisure such as Dozo Moat Park near Hikifune Station where you can view the epic fireworks at close range and the embankment inside Shioiri Park near Minami-Senju Station. Since the area around the Sumida River is restricted to viewing the fireworks while walking without stopping, appreciating them from Tokyo Sky Tree is great for those who want to view them while relaxing. Also, there are tickets for cruises from where you can view the Sumidagawa Fireworks Festival so that you can enjoy the dynamic event while on board.

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9 years ago
An impressive display of fireworks
I enjoyed the Sumida River Fireworks Festival from the nearby Asakusa View Hotel. The only problem with the event was that I wasn't clear on the starting times, and I believe that there was some slight delay. The event is a little spoiled too by the ten-fifteen helicopters that zoom around (presumably they are filming for television programmes). It makes it hard to get a decent photograph of the event, and I think over half of my photographs had a helicopter in them. Still, the event is nice from a viewpoint, but perhaps quite busy as you get closer to the river. Also, the trains home are far too busy, that it might be recommended to take the short walk to another station (i.e. Ueno), if you are heading back across Tokyo after the event. As for the fireworks, they were amazing, and some of the most spectacular I have ever seen. Definitely worth it, despite my complaints.
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