The Former Kaichi School

A unique 19th-century elementary school building designed with a blend of Japanese and Western styles

The Former Kaichi School was first opened in 1873 as an elementary school. It is said to be an example of Giyofu architecture which combined Western and Japanese styles. The interior of the school has recreated the classrooms of that time with valuable materials such as the old desks and textbooks out on display.
Business Hours
Saturday ( 9:0 AM ~ 5:0 AM )
Sunday ( 9:0 AM ~ 5:0 AM )
Weekdays ( 9:0 AM ~ 5:0 AM )

Closed days: The New Year’s holidays (Dec. 29-Jan. 3) March-November: the 3rd Monday of the month (if it’s a national holiday, then the following Tuesday will be closed) December-February: every Monday (if it’s a national holiday, then the following Tuesday will be closed)
Adult: 300 YEN
Children: 150 YEN
2-4-12 Kaichi, Matsumoto, Nagano
(0263) 32-5725

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