Shinto Winery

With the benefit of the blessings of nature in Shinto Village, this is a proud winery where an abundance of wine is born

This is the renowned winery located in Shinto Village which is famous as the prominent grape-growing area in the northern Kanto district. The wine using the locally grown grapes has an invigorating flavor. Not only can you sample the wine there, but you can also observe the manufacturing process.
Business Hours
Saturday ( 9:0 AM ~ 5:0 PM )
Sunday ( 9:0 AM ~ 5:0 PM )
Weekdays ( 9:0 AM ~ 5:0 PM )
しんとうワイナリー 1972-4 Yamakoda,Shinto-mura,Kitagunma-gun,Gunma
(0279) 54-1066

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